Silence Please The Dressing Room HD 720p
so, i didnt know what to expect when i got this little thing. and after i got this, it was amazing. i did not expect what this was capable of. and the fact that it comes with a wide-angle lens. i use this throughout the day whenever i want to take a look in the crib, in her room, whenever i want to see if shes awake, or whenever i want to just go into her room and see if shes awake or asleep. and you can tell. its super crisp. its very much hd. its very clear. and it has a very long charge. so, the fact that it is so clear and hd, that it does last so long, im able to use it everyday and i dont have to worry about having to charge it every day. so i would highly recommend this monitor.
this is a really big monitor so it wouldnt fit in my room. and this one that i have it sitting on is kind of the largest size for this monitor. if i did have this monitor on my dresser, this wouldnt have fit in my dresser. the other thing, i love, is that it comes with this remote, which i dont use. i use my iphone or my android device, which i love to do it, and i just use it to turn it on or to turn it off or check the time. i do not use the remote. so, like i said, the angelcare wireless baby movement monitor, comes with the angelcare sensor pad, the angelcare remote, the angelcare camera, the angelcare, wireless, baby movement monitor, and a carry bag.so you can see, it comes in here as one unit, so you really have nothing to carry it with. it also has a big, nice carrying bag, which is convenient. so for me, its just really convenient. and the one i used, that i put on the table is the one that this monitor is sitting on right here. so its really easy to just keep it right there. and then i dont have to worry about the cord being hidden and being able to use it anywhere i want.so that is the angelcare wireless baby movement monitor. and i think thats something that youre looking for, and that youre going to love. im going to be doing more videos, talking about my experience with this product and just talking about that. so if you do want to check it out, you can check out the angelcare website and the angelcare app on your iphone or android, and i would love for you guys to check it out and let me know what you think.thanks so much for watching, julie from baby nav.